SUM 41 membuat Tennis Indoor Senayan bergemuruh pada tanggal 3 Mei 2008. Meski tidak terlalu dipadati penonton seperti saat konser My Chemical Romance di Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu, band asal Kanada ini tetap tampil total dan penonton dapat ikut meramaikan suasana dalam konser tersebut.
Dalam konser promosi album keenam mereka, yaitu Underclass Hero, mereka tampil 'menggila' di atas panggung. Dengan lagu pembuka berjudul Underclass Hero, mereka dengan sekejap langsung membuat Tennis Indoor Senayan menjadi ramai dan bergemuruh.
Indonesia merupakan satusatunya negara di Asia Tenggara yang didatangi oleh SUM 41 untuk menggelar konser. Menurut hasil interview yang dilakukan oleh pihak penyelenggara, yaitu L.A. Lights, SUM 41 datang ke Indonesia karena mereka mengetahui bahwa menggelar konser di Indonesia cukup bagus. Terbukti dengan mereka bisa tampil lepas saat konser dan mengajak penonton meramaikan suasana.
Menurut Cone McCaslin (bassis SUM 41), dia cukup puas karena yang membuat lagu-lagu dalam album Underclass Hero ini adalah sang vocalis sendiri, yaitu Deryck Whibley. Dan Deryck sendiri pun cukup menhayati dan nyaman dalam menyanyikannya. Sementara, Steve Jocz (Drummer SUM 41) lebih suka lagu Speak of The Devil dalam album ini. Itu dikarenakan alunan drumnya enak dan sangat ia sukai.
Dalam konser yang dihadiri oleh additional player baru mereka, yaitu Tom Thacker (gitaris SUM 41), mereka cukup puas dengan hasil konser yang dilaksanakan. Para penonton bisa mengikuti arus musik punk yang SUM 41 bawakan.
SUM 41 make the Tennis Indoor Senayan rumbles on May 3, 2008. Although not too crowded with spectators such as My Chemical Romance concert in Jakarta some time ago, this Canadian band still look totally and spectators can enliven the atmosphere in the concert.
In their sixth album, concert promotion, namely Underclass Hero, they performed 'craze' on the stage. With the opening song titled Underclass Hero, those with a direct snap to make the Tennis Indoor Senayan become crowded and rumble.
Indonesia is the only country in Southeast Asia visited by SUM 41 for a concert. According to the interview conducted by the organizers, namely LA Lights, SUM 41 to come to Indonesia because they know that a concert in Indonesia is quite good. Evidenced by the time they can show off concert and invites the audience to enliven the atmosphere.
According to Cone McCaslin (SUM 41's bassist), he was quite happy because that makes the songs in the album Underclass Hero is the lead singer himself, namely Deryck Whibley. And Deryck itself was quite menhayati and comfortable in singing. Meanwhile, Steve Jocz (SUM 41's Drummer) prefers to Speak of The Devil songs in this album. That's because the rhythm of drums and very nice he liking.
In a concert that was attended by an additional player to their new, namely Tom Thacker (SUM 41' guitarist), they are quite satisfied with the results of concerts performed. The audience can follow the flow of punk music that brought SUM 41.
In their sixth album, concert promotion, namely Underclass Hero, they performed 'craze' on the stage. With the opening song titled Underclass Hero, those with a direct snap to make the Tennis Indoor Senayan become crowded and rumble.
Indonesia is the only country in Southeast Asia visited by SUM 41 for a concert. According to the interview conducted by the organizers, namely LA Lights, SUM 41 to come to Indonesia because they know that a concert in Indonesia is quite good. Evidenced by the time they can show off concert and invites the audience to enliven the atmosphere.
According to Cone McCaslin (SUM 41's bassist), he was quite happy because that makes the songs in the album Underclass Hero is the lead singer himself, namely Deryck Whibley. And Deryck itself was quite menhayati and comfortable in singing. Meanwhile, Steve Jocz (SUM 41's Drummer) prefers to Speak of The Devil songs in this album. That's because the rhythm of drums and very nice he liking.
In a concert that was attended by an additional player to their new, namely Tom Thacker (SUM 41' guitarist), they are quite satisfied with the results of concerts performed. The audience can follow the flow of punk music that brought SUM 41.
1 komentar:
keren juga ya konsernya!
moga bisa konser lagi ya di lain waktu dan kesempatan!
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