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Tanggal 29 April 1961, seorang dokter dari ekspedisi Antartika Rusia (Kutub Selatan Bumi) di stasiun ekspedisi “Novolazarevskaya”, Leonid Rogozof (27 tahun), merasa demam dan bagian bawah perutnya terasa sakit sekali.
Keesokan harinya keadaannya semakin parah. Tak mungkin di daerah kutub yang terpencil itu ia menyewa pesawat untuk membawanya ke rumah sakit. Tak mungkin pula ia minta pertolongan kepada dokter yang lain, karena ia adalah satu-satunya dokter yang ada di tempat ekspedisi tersebut.
Akhirnya pada malam 30 April 1961 itu, dr Leonid terpaksa melakukan operasi terhadap dirinya sendiri, untuk memotong dan mengeluarkan organnya berupa usus buntu (appendix) yang telah meradang.
Dalam operasi itu ia menggunakan bius lokal (local anesthesia), dibantu oleh seorang mekanik dan seorang ahli meteorologi yang ada dalam ekspedisi tersebut.
Sambil berbaring setengah membungkuk ke arah sisi kiri, ia menyuntikkan ke dirinya cairan obat bius lokal “novocaine”, kemudian melakukan torehan sepanjang 12 cm dibagian perut kanannya (iliac) dengan pisau bedah.
Dengan melihat melalui cermin kecil dan meraba-raba, Leonid melakukan pembedahan, mengeluarkan usus buntunya, dan menyuntikkan antibiotik dibagian perut, menjahit lukanya. Kedua orang “asisten” (mekanik dan metrologist) membantu memegang cermin kecil ke dekat perut dan memberi peralatan kedokteran kepada Leonid. Operasi ini berjalan selama 1 jam 45 menit hingga selesai.
Lima hari pasca operasi, temparatur badan Leonid normal kembali, dan 2 hari berikutnya jahitan lukanya dibuang.
Seluruh peralatan yang dipakai untuk melakukan operasi yang spektakuler itu, kini berada dan dipamerkan di museum “Artik dan Antartika” di St. Petersburg, Rusia
Akhirnya pada malam 30 April 1961 itu, dr Leonid terpaksa melakukan operasi terhadap dirinya sendiri, untuk memotong dan mengeluarkan organnya berupa usus buntu (appendix) yang telah meradang.
Dalam operasi itu ia menggunakan bius lokal (local anesthesia), dibantu oleh seorang mekanik dan seorang ahli meteorologi yang ada dalam ekspedisi tersebut.
Sambil berbaring setengah membungkuk ke arah sisi kiri, ia menyuntikkan ke dirinya cairan obat bius lokal “novocaine”, kemudian melakukan torehan sepanjang 12 cm dibagian perut kanannya (iliac) dengan pisau bedah.
Dengan melihat melalui cermin kecil dan meraba-raba, Leonid melakukan pembedahan, mengeluarkan usus buntunya, dan menyuntikkan antibiotik dibagian perut, menjahit lukanya. Kedua orang “asisten” (mekanik dan metrologist) membantu memegang cermin kecil ke dekat perut dan memberi peralatan kedokteran kepada Leonid. Operasi ini berjalan selama 1 jam 45 menit hingga selesai.
Lima hari pasca operasi, temparatur badan Leonid normal kembali, dan 2 hari berikutnya jahitan lukanya dibuang.
Seluruh peralatan yang dipakai untuk melakukan operasi yang spektakuler itu, kini berada dan dipamerkan di museum “Artik dan Antartika” di St. Petersburg, Rusia
On 29 April 1961, a doctor from the Russian Antarctic expedition (South Pole of Earth) at the station expedition "Novolazarevskaya", Leonid Rogozof (27 years), had a fever and the bottom of his stomach pain.
The next day the situation is getting worse. There's no way in the remote polar regions, he hired a plane to take him to the hospital. No way did he ask for help to another doctor, because he was the only doctor who is on the expedition.
Finally on the night of 30 April 1961, Dr. Leonid forced to perform surgery on himself, to cut and remove the organs of the appendix (appendix), which has been inflamed.
During this operation, he uses local anesthesia (local anesthesia), assisted by a mechanic and a meteorologist who is in the expedition.
As she lay half-bent towards the left side, he injected into his liquid local anesthetic "novocaine", then do 12 cm incision along the right abdominal (iliac) with a scalpel.
By looking through a small mirror and felt around, Leonid perform surgery, appendix out, and inject antibiotics the stomach, sew the wound. Both the "assistant" (mechanical and metrologist) helps small to hold the mirror near the stomach and gives medical equipment to Leonid. This operation runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete.
Five days after surgery, temparatur Leonid body back to normal, and 2 the next day the wound stitches removed.
All the equipment used to perform a spectacular operation, now located and exhibited in museums "Arctic and Antarctic" in St.. Petersburg, Russia.
Doctor Leonid, people who can operations by himself
On 29 April 1961, a doctor from the Russian Antarctic expedition (South Pole of Earth) at the station expedition "Novolazarevskaya", Leonid Rogozof (27 years), had a fever and the bottom of his stomach pain.
The next day the situation is getting worse. There's no way in the remote polar regions, he hired a plane to take him to the hospital. No way did he ask for help to another doctor, because he was the only doctor who is on the expedition.
Finally on the night of 30 April 1961, Dr. Leonid forced to perform surgery on himself, to cut and remove the organs of the appendix (appendix), which has been inflamed.
During this operation, he uses local anesthesia (local anesthesia), assisted by a mechanic and a meteorologist who is in the expedition.
As she lay half-bent towards the left side, he injected into his liquid local anesthetic "novocaine", then do 12 cm incision along the right abdominal (iliac) with a scalpel.
By looking through a small mirror and felt around, Leonid perform surgery, appendix out, and inject antibiotics the stomach, sew the wound. Both the "assistant" (mechanical and metrologist) helps small to hold the mirror near the stomach and gives medical equipment to Leonid. This operation runs for 1 hour and 45 minutes to complete.
Five days after surgery, temparatur Leonid body back to normal, and 2 the next day the wound stitches removed.
All the equipment used to perform a spectacular operation, now located and exhibited in museums "Arctic and Antarctic" in St.. Petersburg, Russia.
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